District heating is the art of efficiently providing hot water and high-temp water to a small municipality or a commercial and institutional sector, including universities and hospital structures. These types of heat networks (or teleheating solutions), are comprised of either a single or several boilers (or simply two for operational security, the second being called a satellite heating plant) based in one central location that simultaneously produce and distribute the right amount of heat needed for multiple buildings. With our district heating solutions, annual maintenance and servicing is conducted in a shorter timeframe and you also significantly minimize replacement costs in case of equipment failure.

District Heating Solutions
The Business Perspective
  • Centralized heating system
  • Cost efficiency
From the Engineering Desk
  • Value engineering dealing with our experts
  • Compliance with safety and quality standards
  • High-performance solutions
Operations & Maintenance
  • Operational efficiency
  • Quick maintenance
  • Simoneau design-built guarantee
  • Durable equipment (built to last)
  • Locally sourced, inventoried and catalogued components (can be quickly replaced)